(1) The District Grand Lodge of Antient Free and accepted Masons of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (hereinafter referred to as the District Grand Lodge) shall meet (subject to the provisions of Rule 78, Book of Constitutions) in the months of January and July in every year at a time and place appointed by the District Grand Master or at approximately half-yearly intervals in such other months as may be appointed by the District Grand Master. In these By-Laws the earlier of such regular meetings in each year is referred to as "the Regular Communication in January" and the later of such regular meetings in each year is referred to as "the Regular Communication in July".
(2) The District Grand Master may summon a special meeting of the District Grand Lodge whenever in his judgment it may be necessary to do so. The reason for convening it shall be stated in the Summons and no other business shall be entered upon at that meeting.
The District Grand Lodge having been opened, such of the Rules of the Book of Constitutions and of these By-Laws may be read.
A visiting Brother may attend the District Grand Lodge by permission of the District Grand Master or Officer presiding and, if admitted, he shall not speak on any question without leave of the District Grand Master, or the Officer presiding, nor shall he be permitted to vote, and he must retire from the District Grand Lodge if called on so to do by the District Grand Master or Officer presiding. The Master of each Lodge, or in his absence the Officer next in rank present, who is himself a member of the District Grand Lodge shall answer for the qualification of any member of his Lodge who may apply to be admitted as a visitor to the District Grand Lodge.
4. At the Regular Communication in January the election of a District Grand Treasurer and the appointment of District Grand Officers shall take place, and after such election and appointment, they shall be invested whenever practicable.
5. (1) A District Grand Lodge Fund shall be established for charitable and other Masonic purposes to which every Lodge in the District shall make in respect of each of its subscribing members annual contributions of $5000.00 or such lesser amount as the District Grand Lodge shall by resolution from time to time determine.
Ten Percent (10%) or such lesser amount as the District Grand Lodge shall by resolution from time to time determine out of such annual contributions shall be allocated to the District Fund of Benevolence of the District Grand Lodge.
(2) Every Lodge in the District shall contribute and pay to the District Grand Lodge Fund the following fees and contributions or such lesser amounts in each case as the District Grand Lodge may from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the Summons convening the meeting:
(a) for registration of each newly initiated Brother $3,500.00
(b) for registration of each brother who shall have joined the Lodge from a Lodge not under The United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England (hereafter called "the Grand Lodge ") $3,500.00
(c) for every dispensation $1,000.00
(d) for registration of a new Lodge $7,500.00
(e) for registration of By-Laws or amendments thereto $2,500.00
(3)The contributions specified in sub-clause (1) and the fees and contributions specified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of sub -clause (2) shall be paid to the District Grand Treasurer by the Treasurer of each Lodge, and shall be forwarded with the yearly Return of the names of all subscribing members of the Lodge required by By-Law 10.
(4) The fees and contributions specified in sub-paragraph (c) and (d) of sub-clause (2) shall be paid to the District Grand Secretary with the applications and shall be at once paid over by him to the District Grand Treasurer.
6. (1) Every Brother on his first appointment as a District Grand Officer, in the District, or to Past Rank in the District shall pay to the District Fund of Benevolence $3,000.00 or such lesser amount as the District Grand Lodge shall by resolution from time to time determine.
(2) No Brother shall be eligible to be invested and the offer to him of an office in the District Grand Lodge shall lapse (unless the District Grand Master shall otherwise direct) unless he signifies his acceptance of the office and pays the fee to the District Grand Treasurer prior to the Regular Communication in January and produces, if required, a certificate from the Master and Treasurer of the Lodge or Lodges of which he is a member that his dues have been paid to the 31st December of the previous year.
7. (1) If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices of the District Grand Lodge, other than that of the District Grand Treasurer, the District Grand Master may appoint a Brother to serve such office for the remainder of the period for which the previous holder of that office had been appointed, and the Brother so appointed shall rank in the same manner as if he had been appointed at the Regular Communication in January. A report of every such appointment shall be entered in the minutes of the following Communication.
(2) If the vacancy be in the office of the District Grand Treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next Regular Communication of the District Grand Lodge, and in the meantime and until such election, the District Grand Master may appoint a Brother to discharge the duties of the office.
(3) During the temporary absence of any District Grand Officer, the District Grand Master may appoint another Brother to act in his place.
8. The accounts of the District Grand Lodge shall be audited annually by a committee of three members of the District Grand Lodge elected at the Regular Communication in January and shall be produced to the District Grand Lodge at the Regular Communication in July in each year, and a copy thereof transmitted to each Lodge in the District.
9. The Master of every Lodge in the District shall on or before the twenty-eighth day of February in each and every year, transmit or cause to be transmitted to the District Grand Secretary two returns as follows:
(a) A return of all members of his Lodge who claim to be entitled to attend the District Grand Lodge, furnishing their correct Postal Addresses, distinguishing the Master and Wardens for the time being, the Past Masters with the dates in chronological order when they served the office of Master, the members of the Lodge who are Past Masters of other Lodges under the Grand Lodge with the number of the Lodge in which and the year when they served the Office of Master.
(b) A return of all Brethren initiated or admitted to membership of the Lodge since the last return with the dates of their admission, initiation, passing and raising and in the case of joining members, the Constitution, name and number of the Lodge in which they were initiated must be stated.
These returns are to be signed on each sheet by the Master and Secretary.
(c) Members of Lodges whose returns are not made either to the District Grand Secretary or to the Grand Secretary through District Grand Secretary, by February 28th in a year may not at the Regular Communication succeeding in January,
(1) be considered as eligible for appointment in acting District Grand Rank or first appointment to or promotion in Past District Grand Rank;
(2) be admitted to the succeeding regular communications of District Grand Lodge until such returns are made.
10. The Master of every Lodge in the District shall on or before the twenty-eighth day of February in each and every year, transmit or cause to be transmitted to the District Grand Treasurer, a return in duplicate, made up to the end of the previous calendar year of all subscribing members, and Brethren admitted to membership of the Lodge or initiated since the last return, with the dates of their admission or initiation and shall remit therewith the proper fees and contributions in respect of every member whose name appears therein, irrespective of whether the subscription has been paid or not. The following particulars should likewise be included in this return:
(a) The names and date of election of Brethren elected to Honorary membership.
(b) If a Brother is in arrears the date to which he is clear in the books of the Lodge.
(c) When such arrear is cleared, the period that the Brother was in arrear shall be noted against the member's name in the next yearly return.
(d) The date of cessation of membership and the circumstances for such cessation.
This return is to be signed on each sheet by the Master, the Secretary and Treasurer.
11. The Board for General Purposes of the District Grand Lodge (in these By-Laws referred to as the Board) shall consist of eight ex-officio, eight appointed and eight elected members as follows:
(1) A President who shall be appointed annually by the District Grand Master and the holders of the following seven offices in the District Grand Lodge:
1. Deputy District Grand Master
2. One of the Assistant District Grand Masters to be determined by the District Grand Master
3. District Senior Grand Warden
4. District Junior Grand Warden
5. District Grand Treasurer
6. District Grand Registrar
7. District Grand Secretary
All of whom shall be ex-officio members of the Board.
(2) Eight other Brethren, being members of the District Grand Lodge who shall be appointed by the District Grand Master for a period of two years, and who shall be eligible for reappointment, if thought fit.
(3) Eight other Brethren being members of the District Grand Lodge who shall be elected by ballot in the manner hereinafter provided to serve for a period of two years, of whom four shall retire annually in rotation and shall be eligible for re-election.
(4) The District Grand Secretary shall be Secretary of the Board but these duties may be performed by the District Assistant Grand Secretary, whether or not he is a member of the Board.
(5) The Board shall elect annually one of its members to be Vice-President of the Board.
(6) The Board may act, notwithstanding any casual vacancy or vacancies in its numbers.
12. The manner of election of the Board shall be as follows:
(a) Every Lodge in the District shall be entitled, at a regular meeting, to nominate one brother who need not be a member of the Lodge but must be a member of and entitled to vote in the District Grand Lodge.
(b) Such nominations containing the name of the Brother, together with the name and number of the Lodge and his Masonic rank, shall be delivered personally or sent by registered post to the District Grand Secretary to reach him not later than the 30th November prior to the Regular Communication in January.
(c) The District Grand Secretary shall prepare a sufficient number of ballot papers containing the names of the several Brothers so nominated, in alphabetical order with the name and number of the Lodge and the Masonic Rank of each candidate.
(d) Every Brother attending and eligible to vote in the District Grand Lodge at the regular Communication in January each year shall be provided with a ballot paper on which to record his vote for the exact number of candidates necessary to fill the vacancies in the number of elected members created by members retiring annually by rotation. Every Brother shall deposit his duly marked ballot paper in ballot boxes which will be placed at convenient places adjacent to the meeting room.
(e) After every Brother has deposited his ballot in keeping with sub paragraph (d) of clause 12, the ballot boxes shall be collected and delivered to the District Grand Secretary for safe keeping by not less than two scrutineers who shall be elected annually by the Board at the meeting of the Board preceding the regular Communication in January. If less than two scrutineers are present the District Grand Master or the Presiding Officer shall appoint a substitute or substitutes.
(f) Within seven days after the Communication the scrutineers shall count the ballot papers and forward a correct report of the result of the ballot in writing to the District Grand Master and a copy thereof verified by the District Grand Secretary shall be immediately posted at the Masonic Building, 45-47 Barbados Avenue, Kingston 5, and remain exhibited for one month for the information of the Craft. In event of an equality of votes, the District Grand Master in addition to his original vote, shall give a casting vote or votes.
13. If any member of the Board dies, resigns, becomes incapable of serving, or be removed from office, or be disqualified by any law or regulation, or ceases to be a member of the District Grand Lodge, or in the case of an elected member shall become an ex-officio or appointed member, the vacancy shall be filled in the following manner:
(a) Ex-Officio Members:
By the Officer of the District Grand Lodge (if any) appointed to fill his place.
(b) Appointed members:
By the District Grand Master.
(c) Elected members:
By the Brother who received the highest number of votes among those who were not elected at the immediately preceding election of members of the Board or failing him, by the Brother who receive the next highest number of votes at such election and so on until the vacancy is filled. In the event that two or more eligible Brethren received the same number of votes the District Grand Master shall select one of them to fill the vacancy.
14. A member of the Board who fills a vacancy shall retire at such time as the Brother he replaces would have retired had he served the full term.
15. (1) The Board shall meet not less than fourteen days before the days appointed for the regular half-yearly Communication of the District Grand Lodge, and if required, not less than seven days before the meeting of any special District Grand Lodge, for the purpose of considering and reporting upon all business to be dealt with by the District Grand Lodge at each Communications or special meeting. The Board shall also meet at other times by order of the District Grand Master, or by the authority of the President, or in his absence the Vice-President.
(2) At least seven days notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given to each member of the Board, unless the Brother convening the meeting shall be of the opinion that the business of the meeting is of so urgent a nature that a shorter notice is expedient.
(3)Five members of the Board shall form a quorum and proceed to business, except in the investigation of Masonic complaints or irregularities referred to them by the District Grand Master, for which purpose the quorum shall be seven.
(4) All questions shall be decided by a majority of votes, the presiding Brother, in case of equality, having a second or casting vote.
(5) The members of the Board shall wear Masonic clothing when investigating any charge or complaint involving the attendance of Brethren who are not members of the Board.
(6) All transactions and resolutions of the Board shall be entered in a minute book.
16. (1) The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Committees appointed by the Board.
(2) A Committee appointed by the Board may invite Brethren (whether or not members of the Board) to any of its meetings for the purpose of consultation.
(3) At its regular meeting after the Regular Communication in January, the Board shall appoint an Executive Committee, which shall comprise the following:
President - Chairman Deputy District Grand Master An Assistant District Grand Master District Grand Treasurer District Grand Secretary District Grand Registrar Chairman of Freemasons Association President Board of Benevolence Chairman, Freemasons Trust
The Executive Committee will act on matters referred to it by the Board and shall be responsible for the resolution of any issues that involve co-ordination between the various organs of District Grand Lodge or issues that might arise between Board meetings which the District Grand Master or the President decide require urgent attention.
(4) At its regular meeting after the Regular Communication in January, the Board may appoint an Information Committee all or any of the members of which may but need not be members of the Board. The Information Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Board on matters relating to the facilities in District Grand Lodge to receive store , manage and disseminate public and member information including bit not limited to (i) all matters having reference to the Masonic Library and Museum (ii) matters relating to the application of information technology to enhance the information flows to members of the District Grand Lodge and the private lodges under the District (iii) the content of the District Grand Lodge’s website.
(5) The Board may appoint such other Committee from any of its members to consider such matters of Masonic discipline as may be generally or specifically referred to them by the Board.
17. (1) The Board shall have the administration and control of the property and finances of the District Grand Lodge and the regulation of all the affairs of the District Grand Lodge and may investigate and report to the District Grand Master on all matters which he may refer to them, and generally the Board shall take cognizance of all matters in any way relating to the Craft in Jamaica and The Cayman Islands, including the examination of the books and By-Laws of the several Lodges in the District.
(2) Nothing herein shall prevent the District Grand Lodge or the Board from incorporating or causing a body corporate or bodies corporate to be incorporated or established with such objects and powers and for such purposes as may be considered expedient or desirable in which event the Board of Directors, Committee of Management or other governing body of such body corporate shall be entitled to exercise such rights, perform such duties and carry out such functions as may be vested in them by the Memorandum and Articles of Association or Rules of any such body corporate. Any proposed amendment to the Memorandum or Articles of Association or the Rules of such body corporate other than amendments of a minor nature shall require the prior approval of either the District Grand Lodge or the Board.
18. (1) All money belonging to the District Grand Lodge shall be deposited in such bank or banks, and to such accounts, as the Board may form time to time determine.
(2) The Board shall have power to inspect all books and papers relating to the accounts of the District Grand Lodge, and to give such directions as may be necessary, and to require the attendance of any books, papers, documents or accounts belonging to the District Grand Lodge.
19. (1) Any member of the District Grand Lodge desiring to make a motion therein, or to submit any matter for consideration at the regular half-yearly Communication of the District Grand Lodge or other meeting thereof, shall give notice in writing to the District Grand Secretary of the terms of such intended motion or the precise nature of such matter not less than three days before the regular meeting of the Board immediately preceding such half-yearly Communication or meeting. No such motion or matter shall be dealt with in the District Grand Lodge, unless such notice has been given, except either by special leave of the District Grand Master or Officer presiding in the District Grand Lodge or the District Grand Lodge by majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present shall decide to deal with it at such half-yearly Communication or meeting.
(2) Nothing in this By-Law shall affect the procedure directed by the Book of Constitutions to be followed in the case of the increase of the contributions or fees payable to the District Grand Lodge Fund.
(3) The District Grand Master or Officer presiding in the District Grand Lodge may allow to be introduced or discussed at any regular half-yearly Communication or other meeting of the District Grand Lodge, without notice, any business or motion which he shall consider to be urgent.
(4) Nothing in this By-Law shall require notice to be given of any motion to adopt or otherwise deal with any report or recommendation, not coming within the provisions of paragraph (2) of this By-Law or the provisions of By-Law 30, of any Board or Committee of the District Grand Lodge or of any Board of Directors, Committee of Management or other governing body of any body corporate incorporated or established pursuant to By-Law 17.
20. All representations to the Board must be in writing and duly signed but the Board may on written request permit the attendance of any Brother to explain or amplify any matter, and shall do so if the interests of the Brother, or of the Lodge of which he is the Master or Warden in charge, are involved.
21. (1) The District Board of Benevolence shall consist of a President to be appointed annually by the District Grand Master and four Appointed and four Elected Members, two Appointed and two Elected Members to retire annually in rotation. Such members shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election. The District Board of Benevolence shall elect annually one of its members to be Vice President of the District Board of Benevolence and shall also elect a Secretary from its members. The manner of appointment, election, retirement or the filling of any casual vacancy shall be the same as provided for by the By-Laws of the District Grand Lodge for the District Board of General Purposes and By-Laws 11, 12, 13 and 14 so far as applicable shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(2) The District Board of Benevolence shall be empowered to make such regulations as are necessary for the carrying of out of its functions, provided that such regulations are not to be inconsistent with the By-Laws of the District Grand Lodge.
22. (1) The District Fund of Benevolence shall be administered by the District Board of Benevolence and shall be devoted solely to Charity and for the purpose of relieving distress.
(2) The District Fund of Benevolence shall be deposited in such bank and to such account as the District Board of General Purposes shall determine from time to time.
(3) Application for relief shall be by Petition stating the name, occupation, place of abode and present circumstances of the Petitioner, the name and number of Lodge or Lodges in which and the time when he was initiated or afterwards joined, if any. In the case of a widow, child or children petitioning the name and number of the husband's or father's Lodge should be stated.
Unless for reasons which must be stated the applicant must sign the Petition.
(4) Every Petition received must be submitted to a Lodge to which the Petitioner, or in case of a widow or child, to which the husband or father, as the case may be, belonged.
The Lodge shall receive same and the Master thereof shall cause the Petition to be investigated and within two weeks of the date of receipt shall forward or cause to be forwarded to the District Grand Secretary the approved Petition or a recommendation for its disapproval.
(5) No Member shall at any time vote upon the Petition of any person for whom he may have improperly allowed himself to be canvassed, or to whom he is related.
(6) All applications and correspondence to the District Board of Benevolence shall be addressed to the District Grand Secretary.
23. (1) A Committee shall be established (in these By-Laws referred to as The Western Committee). The Western Committee shall consist of the Assistant District Grand Master, who shall be the Chairman, and three members elected by each Lodge whose regular meeting place is in the parishes of Saint James, Hanover, Westmoreland, Saint Elizabeth and Manchester.
(2) Each Lodge entitled to elect members of The Western Committee shall be entitled at a regular meeting to elect three Brothers who need not be a member of the Lodge but must be a member of and entitled to vote in the District Grand Lodge and must also be a member of at least one of the Lodges referred to in paragraph (1) of this By-Law. Each such Lodge shall deliver personally or send by registered post to the District Grand Secretary to reach him not later than the 30th January in each year the names and respective Masonic ranks of the Brothers so elected together with the name and number of the Lodge.
(3) The persons elected as members of The Western Committee shall hold office from one Regular Communication in January to the next Regular Communication in January but, if otherwise qualified, shall be eligible for re-election.
(4) Any casual vacancy may be filled by election of a duly qualified or Brother/Brothers by the Lodge or Lodges which elected the Brother to be replaced. The term of office of a member of The Western Committee elected to fill a vacancy shall expire at the next Regular Communication in January.
(5) The Western Committee shall elect annually from among its members a Deputy Chairman and a Secretary of The Western Committee.
(6) The Western Committee shall meet at such times and places as it may determine and at such other times by order of the District Grand Master, or by the authority of the Chairman, or in his absence the Deputy Chairman. At least seven days notice of time and place of the meeting shall be given to each member of The Western Committee unless the Brother convening the meeting shall be of the opinion that the business of the meeting is of so urgent a nature that a shorter notice is expedient.
(7) The Western Committee shall determine its own quorum and shall regulate its own proceedings PROVIDED that such quorum shall not be less than three and such regulations shall not be inconsistent with the By-Laws of the District Grand Lodge.
(8) The Western Committee shall consider any problems or other matters referred to it by the District Grand Master or the District Grand Lodge or arising in any of the Lodges referred to in paragraph (1) of this By-Law or amongst the members of such Lodges and not applying generally or to a substantially similar degree to other Lodges or Brethren in the District.
(9) The Western Committee shall report periodically to the Board with its recommendations, if any.
24. The District Grand Treasurer:
(a) shall keep a Cash Book in which he shall enter a record of all moneys received and paid by him and shall give a receipt for all moneys paid to him.
The Cash Book and every other book in his custody, being the property of the District Grand Lodge, shall be produced at every meeting of the District Grand Lodge and whenever the District Grand Master or his Deputy or the Board may direct.
(b) shall pay no claim against District Grand Lodge without sanction of the District Grand Master or of the Deputy District Grand Master or the Officer in charge of the District or of the Board.
(c) shall keep a record of all subscribing members of the Lodges under the District specifying the amounts remitted to him on account of each member in each return rendered by the Lodges.
25. (1) The District Grand Secretary shall receive a salary for his services to be determined from time to time by the District Grand Lodge. His duties shall include the issue of summonses, in proper time, for the Communications and other meetings of the District Grand Lodge; making minutes of the proceedings of such Communications and other meetings and under the direction of the District Grand Master or his Deputy, reporting the same to all the Lodges in the District; keeping a Register of the Brethren in the several Lodges in the District, noting severally the date of each initiation, passing and raising or joining.
(2) The District Grand Secretary shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the District Grand Master, or his Deputy, the District Grand Lodge or the Board.
(3) The District Grand Secretary shall also, when required by the District Grand Master or his Deputy, examine the books of the several Lodges in the District and report thereon.
26. The District Grand Tyler shall receive such salary as the District Grand Lodge may determine. He shall attend all Communications and other meetings of the District Grand Lodge, meetings of the Board, of Committees, and visitations of District Grand Lodge, when required. He shall be responsible for the safe custody of the regalia, clothing, insignia and jewels of the District Grand Lodge, and produce them for inspection when required.
27. (1) No communication on any Masonic matter shall be made to the District Grand Master except through the District Grand Secretary unless otherwise ordered or permitted by the District Grand Master.
(2) All communications to Grand Lodge and District Grand Lodge, or to the Board, on any matter must be addressed to the District Grand Secretary.
(3) The Master of every Lodge in the District shall cause a copy of the summons for every meeting of the Lodge to be forwarded to the District Grand Master, the Deputy District Grand Master, the Assistant District Grand Master, the District Grand Treasurer and the District Grand Secretary.
(4) Applications for Grand Lodge Certificates must be forwarded to the District Grand Secretary immediately after the admission of a Brother to the third Degree or the joining of a member from another Constitution.
28. The Master of every Lodge in the District shall on or before the Twentieth day of January in each year, send to the District Grand Secretary for the information of the District Grand Master, a report of its proceedings during the past calendar year, including the number of meetings held, of admissions, initiations, passings and raisings, and such other information concerning the condition of the Lodge that he may consider necessary or which may be required by the District Grand Master or Officer in charge of the District.
29. In all matters not provided for in these By-Laws, all Rules of the Book of Constitutions relating to the Grand Lodge or to any Board thereof, or to any Grand Officer shall apply, mutatis mutandis to the District Grand Lodge, any Board or Committee thereof and to the corresponding District Grand Lodge Officer, as the case may be, but nothing in these By-Laws shall render it obligatory on the District Grand Lodge to establish any Board or Fund, hold any Festival or Ceremony, or appoint any Committee, or Officer, not otherwise expressly provided for in these By-Laws.
30. Except as otherwise required by Rules 83 and 84 of the Book of Constitutions these By-Laws or any of them may be revised, altered or amended by notice of motion in writing stating what is proposed, which shall be delivered to the District Grand Secretary not less than three days before the regular meeting of the Board immediately preceding the regular half-yearly Communication or other meeting of the District Grand Lodge in order that it may be printed on the agenda for such Communication or meeting.
31. If the motion is passed at such Communication or meeting, with or without amendment, and confirmed at the next Regular Communication or at a special Communication convened for the purpose, it shall become valid when approved by the District Grand Master and Grand Master.
Approved at the Half Yearly Communication of District Grand Lodge on January 22nd 2011
Robert N ForbesWalter H ScottDistrict Grand Secretary March 1st 2011District Grand Master